Kimon Divaris, DDS, PhD

James W. Bawden Distinguished Professor


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oral and Genetic Epidemiology and Health Services Research, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2012
  • Certificate, Pediatric Dentistry, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2011
  • PhD, Epidemiology, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2011
  • Certificate, Global Health, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2011
  • DDS, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Dentistry, 2005

Research Interests

Pediatric dentistry, dental caries, public health, genomics, inflammation, microbiome, behavioral sciences, dental education

Research Summary

Diverse research portfolio interrogating both proximal and distal determinants of oral health and disease, ranging from genomics of oral health traits and behavioral sciences to health disparities and dental education. Currently NIH-funded research is supported by grants U01-DE025046 (ZOE 2.0 study, “Genome-wide association study of early childhood caries”) and U01-HD052102 (Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS); Dental Caries Outcomes).

Availability to Mentor

Graduate student, postdoc