
Managing Controversy and Conflict in the Classroom

Controversy, conflict, and disagreement are integral elements of college teaching, and effective instructors anticipate controversy and plan to use it productively.  We would like to invite interested faculty and graduate students to attend two special events dealing with conflict in the classroom.  These sessions are jointly sponsored by the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars, the Faculty Council, the School of Nursing, and the UNC Center for Teaching and Learning.

Teaching Controversial Topics
November 11, 2004.
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.
Assembly Room, Wilson Library

In this panel discussion, five experienced teachers will share their approaches to teaching controversial topics and answer questions from the audience regarding specific issues and problems encountered in their own teaching.  The members of the panel are:

Iris Carlton-LaNey       (School of Social Work)
Sue Estroff                  (Social Medicine)
Jonathan Hartlyn        (Political Science)
Geoff Sayre-McCord  (Philosophy)
Sarah Shields              (History).

Handling Hot Moments in the Classroom
November 18, 2004
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Assembly Room, Wilson Library.

In this hands-on workshop, participants will work in small groups to develop strategies for dealing with the conflicts presented in several “hot moment” case scenarios.  Facilitators for this session are three faculty members in the School of Nursing: Beverly Ferreiro, Diane Kjervik, and Theresa Raphael-Grimm.

In order to assist us in planning (for refreshments and handouts), we would like participants to register by sending an email to (your ID will be deleted to insure your anonymity).  You need not provide your name, just your UNC-Chapel Hill department affiliation, type of appointment or rank, and the dates of the session(s) you will attend.  (You are welcome even if you don’t register, but we urge you to do so.)  If you have any questions, please email us at the above address.

Ed Neal
Seminar Coordinator