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Tung Nguyen, DMD, MS

Program Director
Portrait of Tung Nguyen, DMD, MS on a fig background.


  • MS, Oral Biology, UNC Adams School of Dentistry, 2008
  • DMD, Dental Medicine, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, 2005

Research Interests

Skeletal anchorage and orthopedics
3D Imaging and Technology in orthodontics

Research Summary

My imaging lab’s focus to is to develop 3D software to evaluate growth and treatment changes. Our research focuses on treatment outcomes and changes with the use of skeletal anchorage, orthognathic surgery and 3D customized technology.

Availability to Mentor

Undergraduate/college student, graduate student, undergraduate DDS or DH student, postdoc and junior faculty member


1. Nguyen T, Cevidanes LHS, Cornelius MA, Heymann, G, Leonardo K de Paula, De Clerck HJ. 3D assessment of maxillary changes associated with bone anchored maxillary protraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2011;140(6), 790-798.

2. De Clerck H, Timmerman H, Vloebergh K, Nguyen T, Jacobs R, Shujaat S, Siciliano S. Facial growth modifications by a Bone Anchored Herbst appliance: Part 2. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 2024;58(10): 608-615.

3. Brown M, Koroluk L, Ko CC, Zhang K, Nguyen T. The effectiveness and efficiency of a CAD/CAM designed orthodontic bracket. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2015; 148(6):1067-1074.

4. Nguyen T, Cevidanes L, Franchi L, Reullas A, Jackson T. Validation of a 3D mandibular regional superimposition method for growing patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2018;153:747-54.

5. Chung J, Nguyen T, Lee JH, Kim KH. Incisive canal remodeling following maximum anterior retraction reduces apical root resorption. Orthod Craniofac Res, 2021;24 Suppl 1:59-65.

6. Romano F, Sverut C, Trivellato A, Saraiva M, Nguyen T. Alveolar defects before and after surgically assisted rapid palatal Expansion (SARPE): CBCT assessment. Dental Press J Orthod. 2022;27(2):e2219299.Add your hidden blocks here


Mailing Address

Adams School of Dentistry
CB #7450
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-7450

Brauer 272
(919) 537-3764
Available to Mentor