Adams School of Dentistry 385 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

As a way to remember and honor Deah and Yusor’s lives and their love of serving their community, the UNC Adams School of Dentistry student body dedicated a day to these same activities in the local Triangle area. The day is named Directing Efforts And Honoring Deah And Yusor — or DEAH DAY for short.... View Article


26th Annual Hinman Symposium

The 26th Annual Hinman Student Research Symposium is going virtual! Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 30, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., and Sunday, October 31, 9 -11 a.m. Dental students, graduate trainees, and faculty to participate. Please find the announcement, submission instructions and award guidelines below or online at the University of Tennessee Health Science... View Article


Virtual Shadowing

Join us for our next UNC ASOD Virtual Dentistry - Shadowing event! Once you experience Virtual Shadowing the Carolina way, the only question you will have is 'when is the next one'?  An experience like no other. Bring a friend (or two!) and observe this live patient procedure with UNC Adams School of Dentistry faculty!... View Article