Graduate Program in Prosthodontics
The Graduate Program in Prosthodontics involves approximately 60 percent clinic participation in the areas of fixed, removable, implant and maxillofacial prosthodontics. Didactic offerings in prosthodontics, research methods, dental education, oral pathology, biostatistics, etc. are required.
The non-prosthodontics didactic offerings are concentrated during the first year. In addition, each resident is required to act as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA), which usually involves teaching at the pre-doctoral level.
Research is emphasized in order to stimulate the resident to make clinical judgments based on sound scientific principles and to afford the resident the ability to critically evaluate the scientific literature. An independent research project is mandatory for successful completion of the program.
The UNC Adams School of Dentistry Graduate Program in Prosthodontics is approved and accredited by the Council on Education of the American Dental Association.