Proffit to Speak at Third Installment of Distinguished Speaker Series
The third installment of the Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Student Research Group, will feature the School of Dentistry’s Dr. William Proffit, Kenan Distinguished Professor in the Department of Orthodontics. This hour-long event is scheduled for Friday, January 4 at 1 p.m. in Room G405 on the ground floor of Koury Oral Health Sciences.
At the event, Proffit will present a lecture entitled Orthodontics: Past, Present, and Future-A View from the Exit Ramp. After getting his D.D.S. training at UNC and his M.S. training at the University of Washington, Proffit served as an investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research. He entered academia in 1965, joining the faculties of the University of Kentucky and the University of Florida before returning to UNC in 1975. Since that time, Proffit has served as professor and chair of the Department of Orthodontics at the UNC School of Dentistry. In 1992, he was named Kenan Professor, a distinguished professorship in the University.
Proffit is the author of “Contemporary Orthodontics,” now the most widely used text in orthodontics, and co-author of “Surgical Correction of Dentofacial Deformity and Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment.” Other publications include more than 100 scientific papers and more than 20 book chapters and invited contributions. He has lectured widely in the United States and overseas. He received the American Dental Association’s Norton Ross Award for excellence in clinical research in 1994, and this year he was honored by the Dental Foundation of North Carolina with its John C. Brauer Award, which recognizes outstanding service to the school.
The Distinguished Speaker Series is an ongoing project during 2012-13 that will provide various researchers the opportunity to speak to the dental school community.