Immediate Past President of ADA to Give Commencement Address
Dr. Kathleen Roth, immediate past president of the American Dental Association, will give the keynote address at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Dentistry’s 2008 commencement ceremony.
The 6 p.m. May 11 ceremony will take place in Memorial Hall on the University campus.
Roth completed her term as ADA president in October 2007 – the second woman to serve as ADA president since the organization’s creation in 1859. Prior to this role, she served a four-year term on the ADA Board of Trustees as Ninth District trustee. She also served on the Council on Membership and Communications and, when that council was divided, as vice chair of the Council on Membership.
She also served on ADA task forces on education for dental hygienists and accreditation of international dental schools, among other ADA initiatives. She is a past president of the Wisconsin Dental Association.
Among her other leadership activities, she participated in a Congressional briefing panel on women’s oral health in 2003 and made a professional presentation on women’s oral health at an international dental congress in New Delhi, India, in 2004.
Roth, who also is a dentist in general practice in West Bend, Wis., is a graduate of the Marquette University School of Dentistry. Her alma mater presented her with a 2005 Dental Community Service Award.
“Dr. Roth is the epitome of leadership within dentistry,” said School Dean John N. Williams. “She encourages others through her integrity, positive attitude and forward-thinking approach. Her interests are many – access to care, technology, the future of dental education – yet she never forgets that the patient is at the center of all discussion within dentistry. Her remarks will inspire our graduates.”
Roth said she was looking forward to congratulating and addressing the graduating class of 2008.
“As new colleagues entering the dental profession, they will be faced with many challenges and limitless opportunities. It is critical that the practicing dental community and our newest of graduates engage in a lifetime of service to all – those with resources, as well as the underserved in our country.
“These new graduates will soon begin to create a path in their professional lives and within organized dentistry. The potential for great things is open to each and every one of them.”