Dental Foundation of North Carolina 2004-05 Fellowships Awarded
The Dental Foundation of North Carolina (DFNC), which was established in 1950 for the sole purpose of securing and managing funds to support the UNC School of Dentistry, is pleased to announce the following recipients of post-doctoral fellowships for academic year 2004-2005.
Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends of the School of Dentistry, the DFNC is able to provide more than $150,000 to these deserving students.
Advanced Education Fellowships
Dr. Deborah Conner
Dr. Judy McIntyre
Dr. Quay Parrott
Elsie and Baxter Sapp Fellowships
Dr. Sajitha Kalathingal
Dr. Paige W. Miller
Dr. Nimet Adatia
Dr. John Kim
Ann and G. Randolph Babcock Fellowship
Dr. Steve Dickensp
Dr. Blayne Thibodeau
Dr. Maria Mora
Dr. John Williams
Dr. Marlene Teo
Dr. Roy Rosado
Dr. Ricardo Walter
Dr. Fernando Rojas
Dr. Preeda Pungpapong
Baker Fellowship (Orthodontics)
Dr. Lucia Cevidanes
Andrew M. Brooks Fellowship (Orthodontics)
Dr. Nicole Scheffler
Dr. Jason Herring
Dr. Eric Bednar
Theodore Oldenburg Fellowship (Pediatrics)
Dr. Elizabeth Shick
Dr. Ron Hsu
Dr. Kavita Mathu-Muju
Dr. Ron Hsu
Dr. Halley White
Jack Menius Fellowship (Pediatrics)
Dr. Elizabeth Shick
James B. Congleton III Fellowship (Pediatrics)
Dr. Tom Bouwens
Dr. Matt Goslee
Dr. Jenny Jackson
Mary Breeland Fellowship (Pediatrics)
Dr. Martha Hardaway
Dr. Elizabeth Shick
Dr. Martha Hardaway
Dr. Elizabeth Shick
Jacob Freedland Scholarship (Endodontics)
Dr. Michelle Grim
Dr. Hong Chen
Dr. John Williams
Freedland Advanced Dental Education Fellowships
Dr. Yan Zhong
Dr. Gloria Mejia
Dr. Allan Dovigi
Dr. Hong Chen
Dr. Michelle Grim
Dr. Christina Karamini
Dr. Jannie Lee
Nakao/GC America Fellowship (Operative)
Dr. Paula Yamazaki