Pediatric Dentistry Awarded $1 Million Center Grant
The Department of Pediatric Dentistry has recently received notice that it will be funded as a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Center for Leadership in Pediatric Dentistry for 2002-07. The department has served as a Center since 1992. For 2002-07, UNC-CH will be one of three such federally- supported MCH Centers, including the University of Iowa and the University of Washington in Seattle.
Support for the Center will include over one million dollars in direct support, the lion’s share of which will go directly to support residents’ stipends and benefits. The grant will also include resources for formal leadership training for residents and their travel to give professional presentations. The grant will also support residents’ research mentors and encourage investigations related MCH research priorities.
As an MCH Center, departmental faculty will serve as consultants to MCH and the Health Services Resource Administration. The department will sponsor MCH theme-related continuing education programs for dentists in the southeast and Atlantic-seaboard region. Dr. William F. Vann Jr., current Center Director/PI will continue to serve as director for 2002-07.