Alumni and Friends Receive Awards at the North Carolina Dental Society Meeting
Alumni and friends of the school received awards at the North Carolina Dental Society Meeting at Myrtle Beach, S.C. May 16-18.
James Harrell Jr. DDS, received the Citizenship Award for rendering outstanding service that reflects favorably on the profession of dentistry.
Catherine Bickley, DDS ’91 received the Commendation Award for leadership and service to the society through involvement. The award recipient must have been in practice 10 years or less and must be less than 40 years old.
David Moretz DDS ’81 and Douglas Yauch DDS, received Special Recognition Awards for specific achievement or an extraordinary deed related or unrelated to dentistry. Mortez and Yauch served the community during the Hurricane Floyd Flood in North Carolina and at the World Trade Center in New York, following the September 11th attack.
Stanley Fleming DDS, MS, received the Distinguished Scroll Award, the society’s most prestigious award. The award recognizes outstanding service, leadership, and dedication to the profession of dentistsry and/or to the improvement of the health of the people of North Carolina.